Distinguishing Characteristics |
Body soft, cylindrical with tentacles around the top, base attaches to hard substrate; color beige to dark brown with beige streaks to dark orange and red or purple; has dark spots (pores) surrounding the basal margin; tentacles are short, usually whitish, but may be dark orange or pink; pigment around the mouth and oral disk tricolored, usually with a darker outer ring and orange and/or pinkish center; releases orange stringy filaments (acontia) from the oral disk and from the dark pores at the base when disturbed. |
Similar Species |
This anemone varies in color but will always have the dark spots around the basal margin. |
Habitat |
Gulf, usually found on shells occupied by hermit crabs or attached to the calico box crab |
Maximum Size |
5 cm (2 in) disk width |
Other Common Names |
hermit anemone, hitchhiking anemone, cloak anemone |
Previous Scientific Names |
Actinia bicolor; Actinia tricolor; Adamsia bicolor; Adamsia egletes; Adamsia tricolor; Calliactis egletes; Cereus bicolor |
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