Lesser mantis shrimp

Gibbesia neglecta

Family Squillidae - mantis shrimps (crustacea)

Body more lobster-like than shrimp-like; carapace and body rigid; carapace and body light brown, dark pigments separate some of the segments, no dark bar on 2nd abdominal segment; last segment of outer uropods (tail fans) with dark pigment and light yellow laterally; telson (hard middle part of tail fan) with spines on margins; claws comb-like, no movable finger, fold in towards arms; claws with 5 teeth; cornea of eyes set at angle to stalk; spatulate lateral spine on 5th thoracic segment (i.e., 1st abdominal segment behind carapace).
Similar Species
The lack of a dark bar on the 2nd abdominal segment, five teeth on the claw, and the spatulate lateral spine on the 5th thoracic segment distinguished this mantis shrimp from others.
Gulf and bay, sandy or muddy bottoms
Maximum Size
Other Common Names
sea locusts, thumb splitters
Previous Scientific Names