Eurasian water milfoil

Myriophyllum spicatum

Family Haloragaceae - submerged vegetation

Submerged vegetation; no rhizome (long, usually horizontal stem from which stalks and leaves arise); stalks may have a greenish, pinkish or reddish color; leaves narrow, green, stem-like, arrange in whorls around stalk, 3-5 (usually 4) leaves per whorl, whorls about 1 cm (1/2 in) apart; each leaf with 12 or more pairs of thin leaflets; leaves up to 2.5 cm long; leaflets to 1.5 cm (1/2 in) long; in all, leaves look feather-like; flowers in whorls of 4 flowers around stalk, usually found above where leaves stop, forming a reddish "tassel"; roots can grow from each node on the stalk.
Similar Species
Native milfoils usually have less than 10 pair of leaflets; coontails do not have feathery leaves, its leaves are branched once or twice with several small teeth along the leaves,
Freshwater and low saline parts of bays
Maximum Size
Other Common Names
spiked water milfoil
Previous Scientific Names
Native to Europe, Asia, northern Africa and Greenland. It was introduced to the U.S. in the early 1940's. It can form dense mats that can disrupt recreation, navigation and water flow.




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