Camphor daisy

Rayjacksonia phyllocephala

Family Asteraceae - emergent vegetation

Emergent vegetation, erect; leaves are thick, narrow; leaf margins are distinctly serrated or can be smooth with 1 or 2 pairs of serrations; in older plants the leaves are thick, succulent-like; stems and leaves have minute hairs; flowers are yellow with yellow centers, daisy-shaped; flowers all year long; fruits are small, white, containing 1 seed, have hair-like extensions (similar to dandelions) that help it disperse; plant can grow upright or sprawl along the sand.
Similar Species
Similar to the sea-ox-eye daisy, Borrichia frutescens, but the sea-on-eye daisy does not have serrated leaves and its leaves are usually opposite, not alternating.
Sand dunes, wet salt flats, pinelands and dry fields; Native range is Colorado, Texas, Louisiana and Florida.
Maximum Size
60 cm (2 ft).
Other Common Names
golden aster
Previous Scientific Names
Eriocarpum megacephalum, Haplopappus phyllocephalus, Machaeranthera phyllocephala
When the leaves are crushed, an odor similar to camphor is given off.




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