Broadleaf gulfweed

Sargassum fluitans

Family Sargassaceae - marine algae (brown)

Marine brown algae; free floating; color orange to brown; plant body (thallus) with many branches, rounded in cross-section; branches bear flat, elongate, leaf-like organs (blades) with a prominent midrib and serrated margins on a small rounded stalk; spherical, air-filled sacs (bladders) on short stalks in axils of leafy part; blades 2-6 cm long (up to 2 1/3 in), 3-8 mm (to 1/3 in)) wide; 1 individual may reach up to 1 m (39 in).
Similar Species
The narrowleaf gulfweed has narrower blades, no prominent midline on blades and a spine-like projection on its air bladders.
Free floating, washes up in masses on the beaches starting around mid-spring, also found in masses floating in the bays.
Maximum Size
Other Common Names
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