Annual seepweed

Suaeda linearis

Family Chenopodiaceae - emergent vegetation

Emergent vegetation; leaves small, alternating, fleshy, very narrow, almost needle-like, smooth with a waxy appearance, color green to red, very dense, erect or spread out; stems upright, woody, lower stems usually with dried, withered leaves; leaves attached directly to stem, inflorescence (flower part) in dense spikes, flowers minute, white.
Similar Species
Several Suaeda species have been reported found on Texas beaches. The annual seepweed is the most abundant and occurs throughout the northern Gulf of Mexico and the east coast. The coastal seepweed,S. tampicensis, has hairy stems and is found down around Padre Island. The Mojave sea blite, S. nigra (moquinii) is hairy and has short leaves (found around Padre Island). The beach seepweed, S. conferta, has short leaves (<1 in), is a grayish color, and forms dense mats. The Pursh seepweed, S. calceoliformis is distinguished by the horn-like projections on the sepals of its flowers. It has been found in the south Padre Island area and in Galveston and Chambers counties.
Saltwater marshes, sandy beaches
Maximum Size
up to 90 cm (3 ft)
Other Common Names
sea blite
Previous Scientific Names




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