A plant with no vascular tissues, flowers or seeds and that reproduces by spores.
The angle between a two structures.
A small air-filled sac.
A leaf-like structure in algae. Also called a frond.
A swollen reproductive structure on female red algae.
Repeatedly branching into pairs.
A fruit with a fleshy (or fibrous as in coconuts) outer part that surrounds a hard shell with only 1 seed inside. e.g. peaches, plums, cherries, walnuts, almonds, pecans, coconuts, olives.
An individual of an aggregate fruit that is composed of small, individual drupes. e.g. blackberries, raspberries.
A plant with most or all of its vegetative growth above water, which can tolerate flooded soil conditions but cannot tolerate extended periods of submersion.
The reproductive structure of a plant that is enclosed in an outer envelope of petals and sepals
The spore-containing structure on a plant that does not produces seeds or the ripened seed-bearing structure (ovary) on a plant that produces seeds.
A root-like structure or disk that algae used to attach to hard surfaces.
The complete flower head of a plant, including stems, stalks and flowers; the arrangement of flowers on a plant.
The part of a stem from which a leaf or branch grows (node) or the section on a stem between 2 joints (internode). Joints may be delineated by distinct discontinuities in the stem such as the narrowing of the stem.
Smaller leaves branching off the main leaf.
Flattened, needle-like or succulent outgrowth on the stem of a vascular plant.
A dry fruit that produces multiple seeds and has a coating (pod) that splits in half along 2 seams. Also the seeds of the fruit. e.g. peas, beans, peanuts, alfalfa, clover, lentils, soybeans.
The part of the stem of a plant from which a leaf, branch, or root grows.
A fruit that is surrounded by a hard shell (that does not open at maturity) and produces only 1 seed (rarely 2). e.g. acorn, chestnut, hazelnut, beechnut, filbert. What nuts are not nuts?
Refers to a flat shield-shaped leaf or other structure in which the stalk is attach to the underside near its center, not to its margin. or base..
The stalk of a leaf.
An arrangement of leaflets or branchlets on each side of a stem, usually in opposite pairs.
The female reproductive part (ovary) of a plant; found in the center of a flower, it can be of various shapes.
A short aerial root of a plant that specializes in the intake of oxygen from the atmosphere.
A thick, horizontal (usually) ground stem of a plant, that grows close to or under the ground.
A part of a plant that lacks buds, leaves, or nodes, is usually underground, that draws water and minerals from the surrounding substrate.
Small, scale-like leaves that can be tightly pressed to the stem.
A submerged marine flowering plant the roots and grows in high saline waters.
A large marine plant that is easily seen with the naked eye. Includes seagrasses and some marine algae.
A small structure produced by a plant that contains the plant's embryo and is capable of producing a new plant.
An enveloping tubular structure, such as the lower part of a leaf, that surrounds the stem.
The 1st aerial part of a plant to develop from a seed; Also, a bud, young leaf, or other new growth on a plant.
A stem.
The male reproductive parts of a flower; one of several filaments inside the petals of a flower, surrounding the center, that contains pollen at its tip.
The main axis of a plant which supports leaves and flowers .
A stalk or stem of a seaweed that supports the thallus (plant body); Also applies to fungi or fern fronds.
Having thick, fleshy, leaves, or stems, which are used to store water.
A plant body that is not differentiated into leaves, stems and roots. Examples are algae, fungi, lichens, and some liverworts.
A spiral or radial arrangement of leaves or petals originating from 1 node.